Libri Belli for Parla Ascolta Guarda Fai, Triennale Milano
Between January and February 2020, Parla Ascolta Guarda Fai continued with a cycle of talks led by Livia Satriano, founder and curator of the platform Libri Belli. The initiative saw the participation of Milan-based designer Giulio Iacchetti, and the collectives Studiopepe and The Ladies’ Room, invited to present to the public the most inspirational and extravagant books from their bookshelves.
The series was conceived and moderated by Livia Satriano of Libri Belli (literally ‘Beautiful Books’). The project was born on Instagram in 2017 with the aim to rediscover Italian old books and bring them back to light, by means of a unique criterion: the attractiveness of their cover. Precious and rare editions of classics of Italian literature as well as undiscovered publications, which didn’t have the fortune to pass under the spotlight, however not less noteworthy. The guests were invited to introduce and recount the story of their ‘Libri Belli’: volumes which inspired projects or influenced the speakers’ tastes, aesthetics and working methods, thanks to their appearance and/or content. The talks took place in the Agorà Theatre of Triennale Milano, designed by Italo Rota, on January 14th, 21st and February 11th 2020. A fresh look at today’s design, through the book discoveries of those who make it.
Livia Satriano was born in 1987. She works in communication and carries out research in the visual and musical culture of the past. She is the author of No Wave (Crac Editions, 2012) and Gli altri Ottanta (Agenzia X, 2014). Since 2017 she curates the Libri Belli project, both on Instagram and organizing events and exhibitions. (

Giulio Iacchetti © Fabrizia Parisi
Giulio Iacchetti has worked in Milan as an industrial designer since 1992. He is Art Director at Danese, Dnd, Internoitaliano and MyHome, and collaborates with companies such as Abet Laminati, Alessi, Artemide, Ceramiche Refin, Fontana Arte, Foscarini, Magis, Moleskine, Pandora Design. In 2009, the Triennale di Milano presented his solo exhibition Giulio Iacchetti. Disobedient Objects. He won two Compasso d’Oro Awards (in 2001 with Moscardino, a fork for Pandora Design; and in 2014 with the Sfera manhole series, for Montini).

Studiopepe © Andrea Ferrari
Studiopepe is a design and architecture agency founded in Milan by Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto in 2006. Their research-based and multidisciplinary approach involves interior design, product design and creative consulting. Bringing together poetic vision and iconographic identity, Studiopepe develops commissioned projects for international clients such as retail stores, hotels and private businesses, involving a team of 15 professionals including architects, interior and product designers. The vision of Studiopepe is based upon experimenting, research on colors and materials, and contamination between design and art.

The Ladies’ Room © Laura Baiardini
The Ladies’ Room is a collaborative project founded in Milan in 2016 by Ilaria Bianchi, Agustina Bottoni, Astrid Luglio and Sara Ricciardi. Their work analyses contemporary design through the creation of artifacts and experiences, conceived to inspire and enrich the individual designer with multidisciplinary, fluid and collaborative methods. Their interventions draw scenarios that accompany the visitors in symbolic paths featuring traditional materials and artisanal techniques. The Ladies’ Room produces installations, unique pieces and curatorial projects in collaboration with design studios, galleries, companies and private businesses.
Parla Ascolta Guarda Fai is the interdisciplinary programme of installations, exhibitions, performances, screenings, workshops and projects curated by Fantom and Davide Giannella for Triennale Milano, under the artistic direction of Umberto Angelini, and coordinated for Fantom by Selva Barni and Benedetta Pomini.
Libri Belli Talks Curated by Fantom and Livia Satriano/Libri Belli for Parla Ascolta Guarda Fai Artistic Direction: Umberto Angelini Curated by Davide Giannella and Massimo Torrigiani/Fantom January 14th, 21st and February 11th 2020 Triennale Milano