Ricardo Cases, ‘El porqué de las naranjas’

A visual wandering across ephemeral details and amazing banalities compose Ricardo Cases’ publication ‘El porqué de la naranjas’ (MACK, London). The body of work was entirely produced in the region of Levante, Spain, where the author chose to let himself carried away by the beauty of his near surroundings.

The vibrant and colorful portrait of the flourishing land Cases presents us, far from being exhaustive, leaves any descriptive pretension in the background in order to allow unexpected things to happen, or better to say, to reveal their otherwise unnoticed splendor. Rather than forcing reality into a new, fixed order, in fact, the author goes along its being irreparably free, wild, and chaotic, thus embodying the bright spirit of the place and that which belongs to the entire country of Spain.

Rays of Sun give off the pages – no wonder they are finished with a yellow touch enveloping the tiny book –, managing to get a smile out of the viewer, a feel of heat. And an intense need to take off for holiday.



Ricardo Cases, El porqué de las naranjas
128 pp., € 35.00 