Roma Publications 1998–2014

Hosted at Fondazione Giuliani (Rome), the exhibition “Roma Publications 1998–2014” is a homage to Roger Willems and Mark Manders’ outstanding work as publishers.

Presenting over 230 art books – alongside with site-specific installations, unreleased as well as pre-existent artworks, newspapers and posters  – the show aims to highlight the fundamental role of a collaborative, thus enriching relationship between publisher and artist in the making of a publication. 

The book is conceived as a means of expression itself, capable to invade the exhibition space: an experimental ground where unexpected relationships between art and publishing activate, challenging our perception of themes such as the identity of the artist, the democracy of the book and the exclusivity of art, the materiality of the object versus the intangibility of the image.

Installation view at Fondazione Giuliani, Rome 2014 © Giorgio Benni

Installation view at Fondazione Giuliani, Rome 2014 © Giorgio Benni

The show includes works by Gwenneth Boelens, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Marlene Dumas, Geert Goiris, Kees Goudzwaard, Sara van der Heide, Arnoud Holleman, Rob Johannesma, Jan Kempenaers, Irene Kopelman, Bart Lodewijks, Mark Manders, Marc Nagtzaam, Oksana Pasaiko, Petra Stavast, Batia Suter (Fantom #5), Raymond Taudin Chabot and Wouter van Riessen.

Roma Publications 1998–2014
Until December 13th 2014
Fondazione Giuliani 
Via Gustavo Bianchi 1, Rome